by Soul Surplus Staff
July 13, 2018
Our good friend Homage decided to utilize The Blue Pack in his latest beat-making video, showcasing the ease in which you can create while using Soul Surplus sample packs.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
July 09, 2018
Creating sample packs from scratch is no easy feat. The time and dedication that goes into each chord, configuring hardware, and engineering sessions takes quite a bit of time and effort. In our new series, "Process To Product", we will highlight what goes into creating these libraries of sound.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
May 21, 2018
We interviewed the creator of this series, and member of the Soul Surplus team, John Smythe. He gave some pretty in-depth answers about the “Daydream” sound, and the creation process behind it.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
May 18, 2018
If you're an analog junky like we are here at Soul Surplus, you've probably heard the good news about the new Grandmother Synth, by Moog.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
May 11, 2018
We took a closer look at what John Mayer revealed about the construction of the new record "New Light" and the collaborative process between him and No I.D.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
March 09, 2018
In this interview Smythe goes into great depth on the equipment and hardware used to create this pack, and also gives some insight on what fans can expect in the near and distant future.
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