by Soul Surplus Staff
June 14, 2018
In this exciting time of music production that is accessible to anyone with a laptop, iPad/tablet (or even phone now) you may struggle to make your music stand out among the crowd. Here’s 3 tips that we gathered to enhance your production and make music that stands out.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
June 11, 2018
Welcome to the first Soul Surplus Q&A Session. In these weekly sessions, we'll take a few minutes to answer questions from our fans and followers on social media.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
June 08, 2018
"Well, I’ve always felt that I have a good handle on what I want drums to sound like in production, being a drummer for a good portion of my life. Sonically I wanted the drums to have character and color to really help enhance production in a musical way."
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by Soul Surplus Staff
May 29, 2018
If you find yourself in this dilemma, or even if you just have been searching around curious to know which DAW is best, here’s some tips we gathered for your consideration in the process.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
May 25, 2018
Acoustic treatment is often neglected by bedroom producers and engineers and it’s easy to understand why. An explanation of two kinds of treatment you will commonly see in studios everywhere.
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by Soul Surplus Staff
May 24, 2018
We got a chance to sit down with accomplished trumpeter, Chris Stevens, to hear a little bit about his musical background and the process behind recording for this release.
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